Small Established Practice for Sale in Lugoff, SC near Lake Wateree

Location: Lugoff, South Carolina
Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $400,000
Operatories: 3
Active Patient Count: 1300
Agent: Neal McFadden

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This is a small town practice with a well established dentist.  The office is across the street for a major high school and junior high school.  It is on a busy road with good visibility.  Seeking a buyer who wants a start up - fixer upper or even a satellite.  The current owner is older and has been coasting.  this is a 100% fee for service practice.  It has 3 operatories with room for a 4th.  The practice is valued at $300k and the real estate is $170k.  A great practice for a younger dentist who wants to own a practice that has growth potential.   Lugoff is about 25-30 minutes from Blythewood, SC - very close to Lake Wateree

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