GP Practice - Burlington County, NJ

Location: South Jersey, New Jersey
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $765,000
Operatories: 5
Active Patient Count: 1000
Agent: Joe McGonigal

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Great opportunity to acquire a practice with a solid foundation, healthy cash flow and plenty of room for additional growth in Burlington County, NJ. Practice had revenue of 765k in 2021 with low overhead resulting in healthy cash flow over 300k. The facility is 5 ops in a leased space with room to expand. This is a PPO/FFS practice seeing 12 NP/month on average. Currently the practice is only open 3 days/week and referring nearly all specialty services out - all endo, implant placement, ortho, etc. Current staff includes FT front desk, assistant and hygienist. The practice is fully computerize and runs Open Dental.

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