General Dental Practice For Sale - Rockland County, NY

Location: Rockland County, NY
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $300,000
Operatories: 3
Active Patient Count: 1050
Agent: Justin Baumann

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Here is a well run part time practice ( 2 days per week 10am to 6pm on Tues and Thur) ideal for a new owner that is looking for a satellite, additional patients to add to an existing practice, or a first time buyer.  its a very beautiful facility established in 2006 and has remained very stable and weil care for ever since.  All speciality work is referred out.  Equipment is in great shape.  The facility encompasses about 1350ft/sq with room for expansion with another op already plumbed.  Patient base is loyal with a great dental IQ.  90% Insurance, 10% FFS and no medicaid.  Currently uses Dentrix/Dexis.  All digital files.

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