GP Practice For Sale in Eastern Columbia, South Carolina

Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $470,000
Operatories: 6
Active Patient Count: 980
Agent: Neal McFadden

Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a nice Family practice on a busy road on the East side of Columbia.  The practice has 4 operatories equipped with 2 additional plumbed and ready.  We use Eaglesoft and have Dexis sensors.  Our real estate is for sale as well - - It was built in 2001 and has roughly 2,600 sq. feet downstairs with a finished upstairs as well.  The building appraises for $450,000.  We are in network with a couple of insurance companies.  Although we are a bread and butter practice there is much room for growth as we are open 3.5 days per week and our selling dentists desire to retire.  we have 1 Hygienist, 1 Assistants and 1 Front desk - all willing to work for the new owner.  We desire to sell our practice for 80% of collections.

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