General Dental Practice For Sale - Rochester, NY

Location: Rochester, New York
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $1,468,688
Operatories: 7
Active Patient Count: 4500
Agent: Justin Baumann

Agent: Justin Baumann, DDSmatch

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Located within 5 miles of Rochester, NY in a very visible, modern, and eye-catching building (2850sqft rental space for $4750.00 with plenty of parking), this practice is perfect opportunity for an established associate dentist that is looking to own their own practice.  Poised for additional growth with all endo, ortho, OS, and even new patients referred out at this time (as there is a waiting list).  This practice is all Digital with Cerec, Digital Radiography, Digital Pan and Digital Charts/Dentrix.  Also, this could be great husband a husband/wife team, or and adding an associate/partner as the production with the additional growth could be daunting for a single dentist.   Open 4 days/wk 830am to 5pm, with hygiene on all 4 days (3 FT Hygienist at 32h each/week).  77% PPO and 23% FFS, no Medicaid.

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