Small GP Practice For Sale in Galax, Virginia

Location: Galax Virginia
Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $400,000
Operatories: 6
Active Patient Count: 1600
Agent: Neal McFadden

Agent: Neal McFadden

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There has been a dentists in our building since 1950. We have a well established address. Our practice has 5 operatories equipped with room for one more for a total of 6 operatories. We have 2 Hygienist that work a 40 min schedule and see roughly 10-11 patients per day. We are open only 3 days per week and collect $400,000. We are strictly Fee For Service. We have a very stable staff that would love to invite a new dentist. Our office is a stand alone facility with 2,000 square feet.

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