GP Practice - Central PA

Location: Central PA
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $1,100,000
Operatories: 6
Active Patient Count: 2000
Agent: Joe McGonigal, Justin Baumann

Agent: Joe McGonigal, Justin Baumann

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Very productive and profitable general practice in one of Central PA's most desirable locations. Consistent annual revenue of $1.1m and operating at below average 59% overhead. Facility is a very well-maintained and up-to-date 6 operatory facility in a leased space in a multi-tenant building (real estate is not available for purchase). The practice has 2 FT hygienists and 2 Assistants (one is an EFDA).  The practice is currently open Mon-Thursday. Seller is referring out molar endo, implant placement, and most surgery. This is a rare chance to acquire a productive and profitable practice that still offers growth potential by adding additional procedures, expanding hours and potentially a second provider.

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