General Dental Practice For Sale - Rochester (East-Side), NY

Location: (East-Side) Rochester, New York
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $935,328
Operatories: 5
Active Patient Count: 1320
Agent: Justin Baumann

Agent: Justin Baumann

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For those of you that don't know....Rochester is nestled on the Southern shore of Lake Ontario...know as the gateway to the Finger Lakes.  It has all the charm of big city life just steps from award winning suburbs.   This 2500sqft practice is located on the highly sought-after East-side of Rochester between the City and Suburbs.  The practice is open 4 days a week and refers out all ortho, perio, and 3rd molar extractions leaving plenty of meat on the bone for growth.  The perfect opportunity for a first time buyer who would like to have the seller stay on for an extended amount of time for either business/dentistry mentorship or any transition needs.  Or, for a local group practice to purchase, have the seller stay on, and install a young associate to be mentored and eventually take over as lead.  Beautifully and impeccably up-kept equipment and practices with Digital Radiography, Digital Pan and Digital Charting.  Only in network with Excellus with the rest FFS.

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