$660k GP For Sale in Alexander County

Location: Alexander County, North Carolina
Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $600,000
Operatories: 5
Active Patient Count: 1350
Agent: Neal McFadden

Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a nice office in a Suburban Town off I-40 in North Carolina. We are located 30 min from Hickory, Statesville and Wilksboro. We collect over $600,000 in our Fee For Service practice. We recently upgraded our PMS to Dentrix Accend. We take no medicaid. Our real estate is for sale. We have 1 Hygienist, 2 Assistants and 1 Front Desk. We work M-W from 8-5 and Thursdays from 8-1. We are a simple general practice and do no implants, endo or surgeries. We have 4 operatories with a 5th plumbed but not equipped.

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