General Dentist Practice For Sale: Salt Lake City
Location: Northern UT: Salt Lake City
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $388,000
Operatories: 2+
Active Patient Count: 653
Agent: Matt Hamblin
Agent: Matt Hamblin
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Fee For Service General Dentist practice for sale in Salt Lake Valley. This practice and real estate is available for purchase. The practice has recently been remodeled and has newer core equipment and is a completely paperless, digital office. There are 2 fully equipped operatories. The city has approved expanding the building to add operatories or the practice owner would consider selling the patient base to merge with another practice. The practice was founded and grew as an after hours dental practice that accommodated non-traditional working hours in order to attract patients. The practice owner believes you could adjust the office hours and continue to have the same success he's had. The current owner has worked this practice as a second job while working as an associate in another office.