General Dentistry Practice Located in Venice Florida

Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $2,800,000
Operatories: 7
Active Patient Count: 3000
Agent: Alain Carles & John Kuriger

Agent: Alain Carles & John Kuriger

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Located in the highly desirable area of Venice Florida, this general dentistry practice is located in a 2800 square foot suite, that is owned by the seller. The practice provides advanced dental care such as laser periodontal treatments, scaling and root planning, and custom specialty dentures. The practice is a very busy, high turn-over cosmetic and family dental office. All staff holds the highest levels of accreditation and continue to stay abreast of new discoveries both in treatment and in dental technology. The staff and environment is extremely warm and hospitable to every patient, which has resulted in positive outcomes for each patient and incredible patient retention.

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