GP Practice For Sale in Asheville, North Carolina
Location: Asheville North Carolina
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $1,000,000
Operatories: 7
Active Patient Count: 2800
Agent: Neal McFadden
Agent: Neal McFadden
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We have a nice practice right near the heart of Asheville, North Carolina. We have a standalone building that we rent for $4000 a month. It is roughly 3600 ft.². We have ample parking and are on a four-lane highway with good signage. Our desire is to work a very small transition as we need to retire to take care of our aging parents. We are collecting consistently very close to $1 million. We refer out most things. We're basically a bread and butter practice with a very loyal patient base. We have a 3-D panoramic x-ray that allows us to do some surgery but we do not place implants. We use Dentrix software we have six days of hygiene per week. We are open Monday through Thursday from 8 to 5. We have two assistants and two front desk people. We have a paperless office. We do not own sensors, but we do use phosphor plates. We still this is a fantastic opportunity for growth as we do very little marketing.