General Dental Practice for Sale with Real Estate!- Suffolk County, NY- (Stony Brook Area)
Location: Suffolk County, NY (North Shore)
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $366,778
Operatories: 3+1
Active Patient Count: 500
Agent: Michele Gabriel
Agent: Michele Gabriel
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Historic Area General Dentist Practice for Sale with Real Estate. North Shore Long Island Practice well established for over 50+ years. Owner Dr. highly skilled and trained by The Pankey Institute.
Building is 1,527 sq/ft (lab 2nd floor approx 125) with street and private lot parking. Affluent area near dental school, library, part of 3 village area. Ideal location, strong community, loyal patient base.
3 ops, private office, large waiting room, front desk enough room for 2. 2 bathrooms, staff lounge and upstairs is fully functioning lab with lab bench. Easy Dental PMS, and Dexis Dig X-ray.
Office is currently open 3 days Mon 9-6, Wed 9-5, Th 9-6 some Sat 8-1, with 25 hours approx hygiene.
90% Fee for service practice/10% Stony Brook School
Free standing building for sale with practice.