An Extremely Solid Southern MD practice Sale

Location: Prince George County, Maryland
Type of Practice: Dental


Revenue: $546,000
Operatories: 3
Active Patient Count: 1772
Agent: Sheryl Garfinkel

Agent: Sheryl Garfinkel

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This 3 op practice has annual collections of $550,000 and is an extremely profitable with a low overhead of 55%.  Plenty of room to grow clinically as current doctor refers out Ortho, molar Endo, retreats, Pedo, Perio, Implant surgery, 3rd molar and other surgical extractions, complicate Prosth, etc. Office is open just 4 days/week and seller wants to ensure a solid transition.  Located in southern Prince George county.  Bonus – real estate is available for sale too at a very reasonable price.

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