2 Location GP for Sale, Burlington Co, Southern NJ
Type of Practice: Dental
Revenue: $337,000
Operatories: 4+
Active Patient Count: 1200
Agent: Kevin McGonigal
Agent: Kevin McGonigal
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Accelerated Startup - Well Equipped Burlington County, NJ - 2 Locations
The two practices, approximately 11 miles apart from each other in Burlington County, NJ, are being sold together or separately. Buyer has a great opportunity to grow both of these modern, and well-equipped offices.
- Revenue: 2023 Combined $337k Collections
- Facility: Location #1- lease space with 3 ops. Location #2, 4 ops with room for expansion, multi-tenant real estate for sale.
- Technology + Equipment: Schick sensors, Adec equipment, good condition
- 1200 Active Patients, PPO, 5-10%FFS